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The Effects of One Changed Life

When God changes the live of one person it can be really contagious and lead to a transformation throughout a community. Our nurse and missionary, Francineide Sicsú, tells a little of the transformation that God is making in the lives of the women of the Maranhã community.

"It was very easy to find women who don't speak because of enmity, and today they live together, laugh and cry for each other. I have heard many stories of transformations, of women who have told me that they were bitter and are now happy, that they had a hardened heart, they could not forgive, and now they succeed, they have rebuilt their families, earned the respect of their husband and children."

The missionary recounts the story of the transformation of Maria:

“Those who see her today can not imagine the impatient and explosive person that Maria was. Old friends remember and are impressed by the change in her life.”

“One day, she received the invitation to attend the women's meetings in the church and accepted. She began to know more about Jesus, the bar that existed in her house is closed and her husband abandoned alcohol and now the couple participates and actively serves in the church.”

“Mary became a woman of prayer, counselor, and peacemaker. Always willing to serve, when there is some special activity in the church, she goes from house to house inviting women and manages to round up a large group. A neighbor comments: "I came to the women's group of the church because I am a witness to what God has done in Mary's life. She was the devil in a skirt. Those that knew her before know how transformed she is."

When God’s love becomes real in someone’s life so much is possible for them and the people around them.

Pray for this church to continue to reach out to transform more lives that will have an even greater impact on their community that will grow to the surrounding area.