Post Covid Baptisms


God is at work among the unreached of the Amazon.

Our network of churches have been a great source of hope during the covid pandemic. Their faith has been proven by their willingness to share the love of Jesus during this trial.

These communities of hope include two recent church plants that were started recently among an unreached people group with the help of our long term church partner, Bent Tree Bible Church.

There has been over fifty baptisms recently in an area that has been shut off from the mission teams that would have come to help us. The Lord has blessed the work of our young churches as they make disciples so that our vision of a healthy church in every community of the Amazon will be realized.


Our vision of having a healthy and multiplying church accessible to every community in the Amazon is the best strategy to keep making disciples when we have no contact with the outside world. Your prayers and financial support have kept us going and now the rewards can be seen.