vbs to go

In July our team from Idlewild Church in Tampa, Florida left for a 10 day trip of ministry which included medical and dental help and Vacation Bible School.

At one of the villages there was a family that had two daughters with muscular dystrophy. Our team nurse and also a physical therapist that was with us were able to go make a house call to work with the girls and also educate their parents on how to work with them for better long term care.

The two ladies came back from their visit with the intention of getting these sisters to VBS, they couldn’t walk in their condition, so some of us decided that we would go offer to carry the young ladies to VBS.

Unfortunately, when we arrived at their home we learned that the sisters don’t like to be seen in public so I offered to bring a craft project from VBS back to their hut. I can’t imagine what it would be like to sit on that porch day after day in the extreme heat with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

It was a blessing to us, and I hope it was for them, to make the craft project and spend some time with them on their front porch. What a reminder that all of our blessings were not given to us to hoard them up. We have been blessed so that we can take some of those blessings and pass them on to someone in need.

We made the cross necklaces that they are wearing while we shared the gospel with them. They testified that they know Jesus and they asked us to pray that he would heal them.

Be A Part of Blessing Others

-Article written by Rick Morgan after a trip with Idlewild Baptist Church

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