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A Well-Trained Indigenous Leader

The formation of new leaders is essential for the advancement of the gospel and for the multiplication of new churches in the Amazon. During our 70 years of ministry we have learned that the best source of new leaders is a well trained local.

A good example of this is the testimony of Ademar Camarão and his wife Helaine. A short man, with little education, who a few years ago heard the Gospel and gave his life to Jesus through the ministry of our church plant at Peniel.

Through the discipleship program at Peniel, and the power of God, Ademar was able to get rid of his addictions and turn his life around. Ademar has gradually step by step experienced the whole process of our mission from a new disciple to becoming a leader in his community at a new church plant.

Ademar was born and raised in the interior of the Amazon but he has also lived in riverside communities so he has an understanding of the similarities and differences in the people, traditions, cultures and the ways that they struggle to survive.

Ademar says that people are thirsty for the Word of God and, as the Bible says that we are the light of the world, we have the task of bringing people from darkness to light even with the great challenges that we encounter.

Ademar is thankful for the training at our Leader Training Center (CTL) at First Baptist Church of Parintins (PIB/PIN), which is supported by Amazon Vida and our church and individual partners like you.

Our mission to make disciples, develop leaders and have them begin a new work that will transform communities can be seen at work in Ademar’s life. With your prayers and financial support we can continue to advance the gospel and multiply the number of new churches in the Amazon.